cableScout advanced training

  • cableScout Fortgeschrittenenseminar

The cableScout advanced seminar that has just ended was once again a lot of fun thanks to the creative and motivated participants. During the event, many new functions were taught using practice-oriented use cases.

For example, each participant learned the optimized procedure in case of a cable fault, i.e. the geographic and schematic localization of a cable damage, the search for possible alternative routes, as well as the rerouting of the disturbed customer signals to a new route by means of automatically generated working papers.

Other topics such as reconnecting customers, performing network reconstructions, creating complex reports and analyses or mass attribution of data were equally important for the participants in their daily network administration.

Are you also interested in acquiring cableScout knowledge, then check our next training dates in the customer area.

cableScout Fortgeschrittenenseminar
2023-03-09T13:29:56+01:0015.11 2021|
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